這個周末剛好碰到一年一度的Kazanlak玫瑰節, 真是太幸運啦!
保加利亞素有玫瑰王國之稱, 全世界有70%的玫瑰精油來自於保加利亞, 每年的5-6月是玫瑰的盛開季節,
每年的6月第一個周日, 在Stara Zagora省的Kazanlak市會舉辦盛大的玫瑰節遊行,
小人在上上禮拜忽然發現有這個活動, 屁滾尿流地想參加卻發現所有的旅行團都是為外國觀光客設計的而且Kazanlak的旅館早都被訂滿了
6/1 星期五 從Sofia 搭巴士到Stara Zagora市, 住在Stara Zagora郊區的溫泉SPA旅館
6/2 星期六 參觀Stara Zagora市區, 下午回旅館裝死做SPA三溫暖
6/3 星期天 一早前往Kazanlak市, 參加玫瑰節大拜拜, 然後下午從Kazanlak搭巴士回Sofia
Bulgaria is famous of roses, it is said that 10% of the rose oil in the world comes from the Rose Valley in Bulgaria.
May and June every year are the season of roses florescence, and it is the busiest time of Rose Valley when the whole area is soaked with flower fragrance.
The world famouse Rose Festival is taken place on the first Sunday of every June in Kazanlak city, I happen to learn this event two weeks ago, and I tried to catch up with it in the last minute. However all the tour packages are designed for guests coming outside of Bulgaria, and all hotels in Kazanlak were fully booked.
So I started making my own private schedule:
6/1 FRI take a bus from Sofia to St.Zagora and stay in SPA hotel in mineral spring area near the city
6/2 SAT visit St.Zagora city, and enjoy aromatherapy, spa, and sauna
6/3 SUN attend Rose Festival, traditional picnic, and take a bus back to Sofia from Kazanlak
從我住的Solunska Str.跟Vitosha Blvd.走到中央巴士站很簡單
只要從Vitosha Blvd.靠北直直去都不用轉彎, 慢慢走大概20分鐘可到
從Sofia到Stara Zagora的車次很多, 每小時都有1~2班車, 有些直達有些不是
可以從這裡查Sofia到各城市的車次與時間, 右上角有英文選項唷!
姐的月台在28號, 好多鄉親在等車
It takes around 20 mins walking from Vitosha Blvd. to Central Bus Station, which is only one direction heading North.
It's convenient to check bus timetable from the website:
接下來就是3個多小時的車程, 車子在國道省道縣道不同等級間的道路穿梭, 時而平順時而顛簸, 但是景色一樣動人!
The bus trip takes around 3 hours and the scenery along the road was magnificent!
flower sea~~~
到了Stara Zagora站, 很快的跳上計程車, 把旅館地址嚕給司機看, 跟他說 "Molya (please), Hotel Izvor"
http://www.izvor-hotel.com/ 我住的hotel到了, 被樹林擁抱著的可愛SPA hotel
My cute hotel, SPA Hotel Izvor
入住之後就是探險時間, 在旅館附近賊頭賊腦的研究了半天, 除了一間迷你教堂
There's nothing much near the hotel, except a mini church
跟樹林樹林樹林之外, 啥都沒有
and trees and trees and trees
這附近都是溫泉區, 叫做Stara Zagora Mineral Bani(泉水的意思)
然後就開始裝死喝當地啤酒, 聽樹林的鳥兒們很認真的叫, 我也很認真的喝啤酒, 因為它好大瓶啊 囧
Local beer, Zagorka 500ml, a bit too much for me

然後喝著喝著就下起傾盆大雨了啦! 也間接釀成了隔天的人間杯具~
It rained heavily all of a sudden
晚餐, 又是老梗的豬肋排, 我真的中了豬肋排的邪完全沒想吃其他東西
重點是很便宜啊!!! 這樣一盤才6.5Lev--> NT$125
i'm so obssessed with pork ribs, it cost around 3.25 euros.

第二天一早, 吃過不怎樣的早餐之後, 向旅館詢問到市區的交通方式,
旅館說, 我可以沿著森林小徑走到村莊中心然後搭公車下山, 帥呆了!
他們補上一句 "只是昨天下了大雨路有點泥濘啊"
然後一踩上旅館通往森林的階梯, 我就摔大豬!!!靠腰好滑阿阿阿阿
雖然沒有擦傷不過脖子扭到跟身上一些瘀傷是難免的 :P
拖著半殘的身子出發囉 :/
I slipped in this woods because of the wet stairs, walking through this woods for the bus station to city center.
到底是誰告訴我小徑會很泥濘, 騙人嘛, 哪有泥濘小徑
我只看到一條小溪啊! 在裡面抓到魚我都不意外!溪水一直潺潺地往下流, 我用半殘的身子在石頭上跳來跳去溯溪下行
This is not a trail, cmon, it's apparently a creek.
到了所謂的村莊CBD, 真是超熱鬧的
Village center
跟阿北問了搭公車的地方跟方向, 阿北帶我去搭96號公車, 真好! 上車了, 車上有收錢賣票的阿姨,1.9Lev, 半小時車程折台幣35元
Bus 96, 1.9Lev
來到了Stara Zagora市中心
City center of St.Zagora
My lonely happiness
歷史博物館到了, 裡面完整的介紹了這個超級老城, 可以回溯到史前五千年的新石器時代-銅器時代-鐵器, 經過色雷斯人跟特洛伊聯盟, 然後羅馬時期, 拜占庭, 鄂圖曼, 重獲自由, 社會主義時期
囧 我已經可以說出個大概了, 果然有認真在看
I wish I had such beautiful handwriting in Cyrillic

一些神奇的東西, 不過拍一拍就被管理員阿北阻止了

以前的人也有在做指甲哦, 酷耶

路邊處處可見花店, 鮮豔奪目的花朵


回旅館的路上, 囧了, 不知道該往左還往右走